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602 Park Point Drive, Suite 225, Golden, CO 80401 – +1 303.495.2073
© 2025 Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS). All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
This Webinar series explores how roles and talent management have evolved, what new roles exist or are needed and what skills and competencies are required to succeed in these roles. From the manager’s perspective, we will discuss potential strategies for staying on top of this ever-changing field to manage and retain highly effective teams.
These presentations will feature real world insights from medical leaders, HR executives and recruiters.
By the end of this series, we hope you will gain:
This Webinar series explores the fundamental concept of big data in Medical Affairs, from which sources can we retrieve this, what are the broader considerations when utilizing data in health and what impact this can have on our organizations, physicians, and patients, now and in the future. These presentations will feature real world cases that are relevant to regional and country Medical Affairs leaders, in order to highlight long-term aspirational and short-term tangible projects.
By the end of this series, we hope you will gain:
The goal of this webinar is to help new professionals in Medical Affairs better understand how Medical Information and MSLs can have harmonized activities, benefit from one another working more closely together, but also understand where being too close may increase risk. This webinar will present alternate leadership modeling perspectives for critical Medical Affairs functions and show how to Improve collaboration between functions with similar interests and practices.
At the end of this presentation, the participant should be able to:
By the end of this series, we hope you will gain:
In this webinar, experts will:
1.    Discuss the current environmental landscape for conversational AI/Chatbots
2.    Provide practical learning through a case study presentation on how to implement conversational AI/Chatbots (KPIs, use cases, metrics, learnings)
3.    Identify and debate legal and regulatory considerations when implementing conversational AI/Chatbots
This webinar will be covering:
1.   Looking into the future of MA in Japan
a.   How to engage more with Patients/Patient Advocacy groups
b.   How to bring more value to customers, scientific leaders and health systems
c.    How to better engage academia and health authority group through scientific exchange
2.   Opportunities for improving effectiveness
a.   Differentiation of MSL and Medical Rep roles- how are companies differentiating despite the regulations?
Standards and Guidance powerpoint and templates for Medical Affairs strategic planning
This webinar will provide an overview of the evolution of the Medical Affairs role and contributions to scientific congresses. We will revisit the good old days of in person congress engagement pivoting to highlight the innovations scientific exchange today. We will also discuss the elements of transitioning to a completely virtual platform due to the COVID-19 pandemic which provided an opportunity to re-evaluate the medical affairs approach. Which activities and educational resources were of high-value and could be improved upon further? Lastly, we will touch upon future congresses experiences. What will HCP engagement consist of– live, virtual, hybrid, etc. Based upon these new opportunities are our metrics and KPIs effective?
1. Identify opportunities to leverage the congress experience to enhance scientific exchange
2. Explore strategies to harmonize in-person and digital medical affairs engagement
This webinar will analyze the current state of Medical Affairs in Japan, highlight progress made and provide suggestions on what we can do together to make Medical Affairs in Japan even more effective.
This webinar will be covering:
1.   MA in Japan today: progress and highlights
a.   Leadership requirements in Japan to bring MA to the next level
b.   MA has become more strategic across all companies
c.    What are the competencies required to succeed?
2.   Looking into the future of MA in Japan
a.   How to engage more with Patients/Patient Advocacy groups
b.   How to bring more value to customers, scientific leaders and health systems
c.    How to better engage academia and health authority group through scientific exchange
3.   Opportunities for improving effectiveness
a.   Differentiation of MSL and Medical Rep roles- how are companies differentiating despite the regulations?
602 Park Point Drive, Suite 225, Golden, CO 80401 – +1 303.495.2073
© 2025 Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS). All Rights Reserved Worldwide.