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602 Park Point Drive, Suite 225, Golden, CO 80401 – +1 303.495.2073
© 2025 Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS). All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
This e-Learning module will enable learners to define principles of and adopt an integrated approach to orchestrating omnichannel Company-led Education, identify stakeholder segmentation and associated learning journeys for use in content development, use the associated outcomes and insights to deliver and improve omnichannel medical education, while complying with industry regulations as well as company governance and oversight policies.
This e-Learning module will enable learners to define principles of and adopt an integrated approach to orchestrating omnichannel Company-led Education, identify stakeholder segmentation and associated learning journeys for use in content development, use the associated outcomes and insights to deliver and improve omnichannel medical education, while complying with industry regulations as well as company governance and oversight policies.
AI Application in Medical Affairs – Advanced Course
This course includes
What you will learn?
Course description
This comprehensive course is tailored to professionals in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries who work in Medical Affairs functions. It addresses the impact of technology and automation on Medical Affairs in the post–COVID-19 era, which has been accelerated by the pandemic.
This curriculum delves into the utilization of AI in the creation of personalized content, management of medical queries, and prediction of customer engagement pathways.
Additionally, it examines the use of AI in MLR review processes to allow for a more strategic allocation of resources and highlights current AI applications utilized in MLR reviews.
Furthermore, this curriculum explores the application of AI in personalizing customer interactions and utilizing next-best actions, content affinity, and channel affinity in Medical Affairs interactions, as well as AI’s role in generating insights.
Our on-demand content, which includes animations and rich graphics, is presented in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand and apply in real-world scenarios. Upon successful completion of the Certification Quiz, a downloadable version of this curriculum will be made available to users..
Learning activities/assessments: eLearning self-paced modules, knowledge checks, and a brief pre- and post-test
Approximate time to complete the activity: 120 minutes
Prerequisites: The eLearning module “Artificial Intelligence Foundations for Medical Affairs” is highly recommended.
Audience: Intermediate-level content for Medical Affairs professionals who have digital experience
Credits: As an IACET Accredited Provider, Medical Affairs Professional Society offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. MAPS is authorized by IACET to offer 0.2 CEUs for this program.
Participants/attendees must complete 100% of the program and receive a minimum of 70% on the post program assessment.
At the conclusion of this online learning activity, participants should be able to:
1. Recall the impact of technology and automation across Medical Affairs in a post-Covid-19 world especially accelerated due to the pandemic
2. Articulate the potential business cases for AI within the Medical Affairs function
3. Describe the use of AI in modular content creation to deliver personalized targeted content
4. Explain how AI can help in the content supply chain and query management
5. Identify how the integration of AI and data sources predicts an ideal customer engagement pathway
6. Explain the need for AI in MLR review to allow reviewers to do more strategic work
7. List a few examples of AI applications in MLR review
8. Explain the role of AI in advanced MI portal search
9. Discuss the importance of conversational AI in customer interactions
10. Describe how AI can help in insight generation
11. List a few use cases of insight generation using AI in Medical Affairs
Introduction to external Education eLearning Course
Free to Members and Non-Members
If you are new to Medical Affairs, just getting started in developing your skills in medical education, or want a quick refresher, sign up for this e-learning module which provides an introduction and overview of all the different types of industry approaches to External Education (EE). The course will help you:
Learning activities/assessments: eLearning self-paced module with knowledge checks and a brief posttest
Approximate time to complete the activity: 30 minutes
Prerequisites: None
Audience: Beginner to Intermediate; For any Independent Medical Education (IME) and/or Medical Affairs professionals involved in External Education
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this online learning activity, participants should be able to:
Activity Developers:
MAPS is appreciative of the following MAPS members and other individuals who were instrumental in creating the course content.
Independent Medical Education eLearning Course
FAWG Group: External Education
Member: Free
Non-Member: 135$
Interested in broadening your understanding of the different types of External Education in the spirit of omnichannel engagement, and more specifically in Independent Medical Education? Designed Specifically for Medical Affairs professionals working in the Independent Medical Education (IME) function, as well as, other MA Professionals involved in External Education (EE), This course:
The one-hour course will assist organizations to not only understand the breadth and depth of IME but also plan for upskilling their team as needed and enhance collaboration with other Medical Affairs and cross-functional partners to leverage synergies.
Learning activities/assessments: eLearning self-paced module, knowledge checks, and brief posttest (moderate difficulty)
Approximate time to complete the activity: 60 minutes
Prerequisites: The eLearning module “Introduction to External Education” is highly recommended.
Audience: Beginner to Intermediate; For any Independent Medical Education (IME) and/or Medical Affairs professionals involved in External Education
At the conclusion of this online learning activity, participants should be able to:
MAPS is appreciative of the following MAPS members and other individuals who were instrumental in creating the course content.
This course uses a faux product to introduce essential concepts of Patient Centricity including a comprehensive description of strategy.
After completing this module, you will be better able to:
Articulate the roles Medical Affairs plays in the healthcare industry
Gain an understanding for the common functions and key skills in Medical Affairs
Describe the Foundational Pillars of Medical Affairs and their purpose
In this module you will: review the changing role of Medical Affairs and how it has become a strong strategic partner in product launch excellence (LE); gain insights into the components of LE; identify processes, systems, and tools to support LE; utilize templates to support LE planning.
Through this course you will recognize terms such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), deep learning, and neural networks to arrive at best decisions and insights needed for success.
602 Park Point Drive, Suite 225, Golden, CO 80401 – +1 303.495.2073
© 2025 Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS). All Rights Reserved Worldwide.