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602 Park Point Drive, Suite 225, Golden, CO 80401 – +1 303.495.2073
© 2024 Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS). All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
The goal of this webinar is to help new professionals in Medical Affairs better understand how Medical Information and MSLs can have harmonized activities, benefit from one another working more closely together, but also understand where being too close may increase risk. This webinar will present alternate leadership modeling perspectives for critical Medical Affairs functions and show how to Improve collaboration between functions with similar interests and practices.
if you start your day in work mode (4th & 5th gears), and you drive all day like that, you are going to burn out fast!
The goal of this webinar is to share experiences and tips on how to keep teams connected in the virtual world.
Three panelists who work with teams across multiple time zones will share how they:
mastermind groups represent peer mentoring collectives — with members of various levels of education and professional experience, seeking to solve issues using advice and input from other group members.
• Develop leadership and motivational skills that will help Medical Affairs colleagues build cross-functional relationships and engagement, in order to successfully deliver integrated medical activities
• Awareness that effective collaboration requires modifying interpersonal interactions to account for different functions/nationalities having different backgrounds/cultures/ways of working/motivations
• Recognition that a major cause of disharmony/disengagement/demotivation is an individual feeling threatened in some way, and the implications of triggering a ‘threat’ response
• Knowledge of the SCARF model (NeuroLeadership Institute), its key components {Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness} and their importance in triggering a ‘reward’ response
• Understanding of how the SCARF model can be applied by Medical Affairs colleagues in their everyday roles and interactions with colleagues
602 Park Point Drive, Suite 225, Golden, CO 80401 – +1 303.495.2073
© 2024 Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS). All Rights Reserved Worldwide.