Embracing a Customer-Centric Mindset in Medical Affairs through Digital Transformation

This MAPS webinar features Todd Neuville, Worldwide Leader – Life Sciences, Amazon Web Services presenting a case study of Amazon’s approach of “working backwards,” in discussion with our expert panel.
Value.MA .White .Paper

Communicating the Value of Medical Affairs

This white paper explores the role and value of MA, backed up with commentary from industry leaders, as we define clear pillars of MA that communicate its true value.

AI Foundations for Medical Affairs

Through this course you will recognize terms such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), deep learning, and neural networks to arrive at best decisions and insights needed for success.

Global Town Hall: An Opportunity for Medical Affairs Strategic Leadership During the Pandemic and Beyond

This MAPS Global Town Hall focuses on the challenges arising from the global Covid-19 pandemic and the emerging opportunity for Medical Affairs to provide strategic leadership.

Rethinking HCP Engagement During and Post-Pandemic

As a result of the global COVID-19 outbreak, field teams are no longer able to visit HCPs face-to-face. During this Webinar, we will explore the skills and challenges around effective remote engagement and share hints and tips to help you access, engage and follow-up with HCPs remotely.
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What can we learn from 2 insight surveys of MAPS membership?

This paper provides a brief overview of the results of two MAPS insight surveys as well as suggested next steps to develop a common framework that biopharma companies can use to achieve a more consistent and effective approach to generating medical insights as a principal driver for strategy shaping and choice of tactics.

APAC Town Hall: The New Competencies Required for MA Professionals to Excel in the New Environment

In this APAC Town Hall, senior leaders discuss: Managing Individual Performance Remotely; Virtual Leadership Mindset & Skills; Effective Team Engagement in the Virtual Space; Engagement of KOLs Virtually

Learning Agility: An Emergent Capability for Future-Proofing Medical Affairs Strategic Planning

This article aims to position learning agility as an emergent capability that supports the future-proofing of Medical Affairs strategic planning processes and outputs. In essence, learning agility is a set of skills, competencies, and mindsets that support our capability of “knowing what to do when we don’t know what to do.”
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Beyond Patient Centricity: True Patient Partnership in the Pharmaceutical Industry

This article provides a cross-functional perspective on the current state of patient centricity in our industry as well as practical examples for Medical Affairs professionals to implement patient-focused approaches in their everyday work.