Sumegi Featured

The Future of Medical Affairs: A Conversation with Beat Sümegi, SVP Medical, Sanofi

MAPS speaks with Beat Sümegi, SVP Medical with Sanofi, about major areas of change and the need to help Medical Affairs professionals build new skills to succeed in this world of increased responsibility and opportunity.
Disruption Opportunity Webinar Featured

Disruption to Opportunity: The Next Digital Frontier for Medical Affairs and Healthcare with the New Normal

This Webinar features Medical Affairs and leading technology thought leaders exploring emerging trends and viewpoints on the next frontier for digital in Medical Affairs and the broader healthcare environment with the “New Normal”.
MedStrat Podcast 1 Featured

PODCAST: Executive Leadership Perspectives on Medical Affairs Strategic Planning – Episode 1

Pete Piliero, MD, moderates a discussion on contributions Medical Affairs makes to Asset Strategic Plans.

Training Needs for Medical Science Liaisons (MSLs) in Evolving Pharmaceutical and MedTech Industries

This article formalizes learnings from the MAPS Annual Conference 2020, providing best practices for MSLs in the context of the ongoing pandemic and beyond.
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Medical Affairs Improves Patient Outcomes Through External Medical Education

External medical education demands are continuously evolving, and MA needs to continue to evolve with these changes to establish effective education strategies.

Medical Affairs 2.0: Innovating Medical Affairs for Digital Therapeutics

This MAPS webinar presents an overview of the current and near term Digital Therapeutics landscape and details real-world applications of Digital Therapeutics to illustrate potential in driving transformation of clinical practices to improve patient outcomes.

Company-Led Education…What is in the Name?

What is company and medical affairs led education and how it is perceived by audience? What are the different perspectives existing among regulators, Pharma and agencies? What is the potential for disease state medical education by medical affairs?
Future Proofing OD Featured

Future-Proofing Your Medical Affairs Organization

OBJECTIVES: Identify the major trends and drivers towards digital transformation and drive Medical Affairs towards a digital future.

A Compelling Strategic Role for Medical Affairs in the Context of the new EU MedTech Regulations

This article provides an overview of the new MedTech European regulatory environment and opportunities for the Medical Affairs function to evolve and bring value to the respective organizations.