Imposter Syndrome in Medical Affairs

At some point, many people feel they’re simply “not good enough." Unfortunately, this is such a common occurrence that it has a name: Imposter Syndrome.
Collaborating, Managing and Motivating Teams Across Multiple Time Zones

Collaborating, Managing and Motivating Teams Across Multiple Time Zones

In this webinar, three panelists who work with teams across multiple time zones will share how they collaborate, manage and motivate to optimize team participation and engagement.

The Evolution of Medical Communications as a Strategic Partner in Medical Affairs Function

“Data doesn’t exist until it is published.” Here, MAPS speaks with MedComm FAWG co-leads about innovations and future directions for Medical Communications within Medical Affairs.
Field Medical External Stakeholders: Partnering for Today and Tomorrow - episode 2 Partnering with Patient Advocacy Organizations

Field Medical External Stakeholders: Episode 2 Partnering with Patient Advocacy Organizations

This MAPS podcast details potential areas for compliant collaboration by MSLs with Patient Advocacy Groups.


This 2021 Benchmark Report is based on findings from 21 leading industry organizations regarding their organizational structure, budget, and operations.

Medical Affairs Mind Reading: The Difference Between Presentation and Conversation

A Q&A with David Williams, Chief Medical Officer, VISFO

Joint MAPS, IFAPP, APPA, MSLS MSL Position Paper: Meet the Author Highlights

Since its publication in the journal of Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science in July, the article "Promoting Best Practices for Medical Science Liaisons Position Statement from the APPA, IFAPP, MAPS and MSLS," has been read more than 4000 times. This article presents highlights from a recent MAPS webinar with the paper's authors, focusing on further defining the role and best practices for Medical Science Liaisons.
How to Engage External Research (IIR and Collaborative Research) - Practical Compliance Considerations

How to Engage External Research (IIR and Collaborative Research) – Practical Compliance Considerations

This webinar explores WHAT is IIR vs. Collaborative Research and discusses the challenges of conducting IIR and Collaborative Research.
Field Medical KPIs Metrics

Field Medical Metrics/KPIs Guidance Document

When quantitative and qualitative Field Medical KPIs and metrics are aligned with the organization’s strategic plan, these measurements demonstrate value. Defining and communicating this value is an essential task as Field Medical solidifies its role as a strategic pillar within the organization.