Japan Summit 2023

The Japan Medical Affairs Summit, Co-Organized by MAPS, PhRMA and JAPhMed is taking place in Tokyo, Japan, June 15-16, 2023. We invite you to HELP SHAPE the future of healthcare in Japan as Medical Affairs continues to make an impact on patient outcomes.

The theme of the 2023 Japan Medical Affairs Summit is Disrupting Healthcare in Japan – Embracing Innovation in Digital, Technology and Education to Improve Patient Outcomes. This theme reflects the expanding realm and influence of Medical Affairs and the opportunities for individuals to grow within the field. The overall objective of the conference is to highlight the latest innovations in digital, technology and education and discuss how to leverage these new innovations for greater impact on patient outcomes. Thought leaders from industry academia and hospitals will share best practices across the industry, providing candid discussion for participants to take home actionable insights and tools that will fuel the capabilities of their Medical Affairs teams.


Since its opening in 1987, PhRMAʼs Japan office has actively developed various activities on behalf of its member companies in Japan. We promote activities focused on direct dialogue with all concerned parties such as government officials, doctors and other medical staff, media parties and patient organizations. PhRMA cooperates with the Japan Pharmaceutical Federation, the Japan Pharmaceutical Industry Association, and the European Pharmaceutical Federation to develop activities.

JAPhMed has more than 50 years of history in developing “pharmaceutical medicine” in Japan which is defined as a medical specialty concerned with the discovery, development, evaluation, licensing and monitoring of medicines and the medical aspects of their marketing. Based on our mission: “To promote Pharmaceutical Medicine by enhancing the knowledge, expertise and skills of pharmaceutical professionals and physicians, thus leading to the availability and appropriate use of medicines for the benefit of patients and the society.” JAPhMed operates as the Japanese affiliate of the International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians & Pharmaceutical Medicine (IFAPP).

The Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS) is the premier non-profit global Medical Affairs organization FOR Medical Affairs professionals BY Medical Affairs professionals across all different levels of experience/specialty. Together with over 10,500 Medical Affairs members from 300+ companies globally, MAPS is transforming the Medical Affairs profession to increase its value to patients, HCPs, industry and society.

MAPS transforms Medical Affairs organizations and Medical Affairs professionals globally by: speaking as the single voice of the Medical Affairs profession; defining the current and future practice of Medical Affairs; being the global community for Medical Affairs professionals; and leveraging collective thought leadership to train the next generation of Medical Affairs leaders.



Station Conference Tokyo

Sapia Tower 5F, 1-7-12 Marunocouchi, Chiyoda-ku

Tokyo 100-0005 Japan +81 3-6888-8080


Simultaneous Translation for English/Japanese is available for the General Session on June 15.  Please note that the MSL Workshop on June 16 will be held in Japanese and will not have translation service provided. Please check the Brochure to find more information

Thursday, 15 June – General Session

9:00 – 9:30: Registration

9:30 – 10:30: The Future of Medical Affairs: How Does Japan Medical Affairs Align with the MAPS 2030 Report?

10:30 – 10:45: Welcome Remarks

10:45 – 11:45: Measuring the Impact of Medical Affairs on Patient Outcomes

11:45 – 13:45: Current Issues and Future Horizons of Industry-Academia Collaboration for Utilization of RWD

13:45 – 14:15: Bento Lunch

14:15 – 16:15: How Can Medical Education Programs Bring More Value to the Medical Environment? Challenges & Future Ideal State

14:15 – 18:15: Current Status and Challenges of Patient Engagement in Japan

18:15 – 19:30: Evening Cocktail Reception

Friday, 16 June – MSL Workshop

8:30 – 9:00: MSL Workshop Registration

9:00 – 13:00: Unleash the Potential of Medical Science Liaison (MSL) to Maximize the Value of MSL to Patients

  • The MSL Workshop on June 16 will be held in Japanese and Translation to English WILL NOT be provided.

13:00: Japan Medical Affairs Summit Ends


All Pricing is in US Dollars

Distinguished Advisory Board

Exhibitors | Sponsors

Email [email protected] to secure a sponsorship.

Thank You To Our Sponsors

Content Ed Net is a globally renowned leader in publishing services. Operating in 31 countries, we deliver tailor-made communication solutions for regional requirements. Our expertise spans various publication formats, including original articles, reviews, symposium proceedings, clinical cases, abstracts, and posters. Our comprehensive suite of services encompasses publishing solutions, congress coverage, medical writing, event management, advertising and media support, online and virtual platforms, as well as customized content creation. Backed by experienced writers and a commitment to international standards, we guarantee unwavering quality throughout the entire publication process. Our focus lies in empowering healthcare professionals by providing efficient and effective solutions.

MEDiSTRAVA was created to guide Medical Affairs teams through a period of rapid transformation in technology, evolving healthcare community needs, and growing expectations for therapeutic advances.

 Delivering medical value in this new and changing environment requires diverse capabilities and deep expertise that extend beyond the traditional medical affairs role. We bring together specialised teams in strategy, medical excellence, evidence generation, market access, patient engagement and medical analytics to create solutions that are tailored to your needs, and focused on achieving your objectives.

Headquartered in Singapore and with offices throughout Asia-Pacific, MIMS empowers healthcare communities to improve patient outcomes. Through our diverse offerings spanning medical communications, market research, drug information services and multi-channel marketing, and our own HCP platform with more than 2 million subscribers across APAC, we provide tailored solutions to leading pharmaceutical companies and healthcare institutions. Expand your impact with MIMS – the medical communications agency with the widest coverage across APAC.

To be ‘in rude health’ is a British English expression that means to be strong and healthy, and this goes to the heart of what we do. Rude Health Consulting is a global healthcare communications and consulting agency that specialises in helping healthcare companies engage, educate and empower people to make informed decisions – and ultimately, improve human health.

Our teams partner with clients in Japan, China, EU/UK and North America, where we combine a global and local perspective to enhance insight and delivery. From strategy and planning to development and delivery, we create solutions for our healthcare clients across the spectrum of healthcare communications and consulting. These services include: landscape assessments and advisory boards, medical strategy and tactical planning, stakeholder mapping and activation, medical education, medical writing, content and meetings, scientific platform development and messaging, publication planning and data dissemination, publication medical writing services, consensus and guideline building, patient journey mapping, disease awareness, patient education and advocacy engagement, internal training and education, market entry consultancy (companies looking to enter Japan or commercialise overseas).

Ubie is a health tech startup founded in May 2017 by a physician and an engineer with a mission to “guide people to the right medical care with technology”.The company uses AI as its core technology to develop and offer “Ubie Symptom Checker”, which guides people from symptoms to the right medical care, and “Ubie-Medical Navi”, a service for healthcare providers to improve the quality of medical care. We are trying to create a world where everyone has access to the medical care that is right for them.

Wiley is a global leader in the publication of medical research and associated educational programs. Our Corporate Solutions organization provides trusted content solutions to leading healthcare brands that help shape their scientific narrative and engage healthcare professionals.  ​


Medical affairs and publication teams partner with us to modernize and deepen their HCP engagement strategies. Our extensive portfolio of peer-reviewed content, journal brands, and society partnerships lend credibility and reach to your messages and education initiative. Our editorial, digital knowledge, and project management expertise ensure independent and successful delivery of your program. Explore our publication, and education solutions today.



In-Depth Topics


Expert Speakers


Half-Day MSL Workshop


Medical Affairs Professionals from Japan

What’s it like at a MAPS Conference? Check out our exciting highlight reels from recent MAPS Annual Meetings!

MAPS 2022 New Orleans

MAPS 2020 Miami

MAPS 2019 Amsterdam

MAPS 2019 New Orleans


Japan Summit 2023


MAPSPhRMAJAPhMed が共催するジャパン メディカル アフェアーズ サミットが、2023 6 15 16 日に東京で開催されます。患者の転帰について

2023年ジャパンメディカルアフェアーズサミットのテーマは、「Disrupting Healthcare in Japan – Embracing Innovation in Digital, Technology and Education to Improve Patient Outcomes.」です。本テーマはメディカルアフェアーズが関わる分野や影響力の拡大、そしてそれがメディカルアフェアーズに従事する人々にとって成長の機会となり得ることを表しています。本サミットの主たる目的は、最新のデジタル、テクノロジー、教育に対する変革にフォーカスし、患者さんへより大きく貢献するために、にこれらの変革をどのように導いていけばよいかを議論していくことです。産業界や医療従事者のソート リーダーが業界全体のベストプラクティスを共有致しますし、参加者へはメディカルアフェアーズに従事する人々の資質や行動を高める実践的な情報、インサイトを持ち帰ることのできる公正な議論の場をご提供致します。



一般財団法人 日本製薬医学会は製薬医学に関わる業務、すなわち、新薬の開発、承認、医薬品の販売、管理・安全対策等において活躍されている産官学のメンバーを中心とした団体です。本学会は1967年1月のMD会を出発点として、既に50年余りの歴史を有しており、2009 年4 月より一般財団法人 日本製薬医学会(The Japanese Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine : JAPhMed)として法人化し現在に至っております。

本学会では、“製薬医学専門家の知識、専門性およびスキルの向上を通して製薬医学を推進し、患者と社会のベネフィットのために医薬品へのアクセスと適正使用へと導くことにある” をミッションとして掲げておりますJAPhMedは国際製薬医学会(IFAPP)の日本支部として運営されています。

The Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS) is the premier non-profit global Medical Affairs organization FOR Medical Affairs professionals BY Medical Affairs professionals across all different levels of experience/specialty. Together with over 10,500 Medical Affairs members from 300+ companies globally, MAPS is transforming the Medical Affairs profession to increase its value to patients, HCPs, industry and society.

MAPS transforms Medical Affairs organizations and Medical Affairs professionals globally by: speaking as the single voice of the Medical Affairs profession; defining the current and future practice of Medical Affairs; being the global community for Medical Affairs professionals; and leveraging collective thought leadership to train the next generation of Medical Affairs leaders.



〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内1-7-12
TEL: 03-6888-8080

JR東京駅日本橋口 直結 / 八重洲北口 徒歩2分
東京メトロ東西線大手町駅B7出口 直結


6 月15 日に開催される一般セッションでは日英同時通訳が利用可能です 6 月16 日に開催されるMSL ワークショップは日本語で実施されます。日英同時

6月15日(木)一 般演題

9:00 – 9:30: 参加登録

9:30 – 10:30: The Future of Medical Affairs: How Does Japan Medical Affairs Align with the MAPS 2030 Report?

10:30 – 10:45: 開会の挨拶

10:45 – 11:45: Measuring the Impact of Medical Affairs on Patient Outcomes

11:45 – 13:45: RWD活用における産学連携の現状の課題とこれからの地平

13:45 – 14:15: 昼食(軽食を提供)

14:15 – 16:15: より価値の高いメディカルエデュケーションプログラムを提供するには?課題と今後のあるべき姿

14:15 – 18:15: 日本のおける患者エンゲージメントの現状および課題

18:15 – 19:30: イブニングカクテルレセプション

6月16日(金)MSL Workshop

8:30 – 9:00: MSL Workshopへの参加登録

9:00 – 13:00: MSLの価値最大化にむけて

  • 6 月16 日に開催されるMSL ワークショップは日本語で実施されます。日英同時 通訳の提供はございませんこと予めご了承ください。

13:00: Japan Medical Affairs Summitの終了





お問い合わせは[email protected] までご連絡下さい。

Thank You To Our Sponsors






In rude health” とは、イギリス英語の古い慣用句で、健康で逞しく活気にあふれる様子を表します。私たちは、常にこの信念に基づいて活動しています。Rude Health Consulting では医科学分野におけるコンサルティングやコミュニケーション活動をグローバルに行っています。医薬系企業が人々とつながり、啓蒙し、知識に基づいた意思決定を推進する – 私たちはその活動を支援することで、すべての人々の健康増進を実現します。











半日開催のMSL ワークショップ



What’s it like at a MAPS Conference? Check out our exciting highlight reels from recent MAPS Annual Meetings!

MAPS 2022 New Orleans

MAPS 2020 Miami

MAPS 2019 Amsterdam

MAPS 2019 New Orleans