The Critical Role of Medical Affairs in Early R&D

In this webinar, you will learn how to identify and explore additional value drivers for Medical Affairs in biopharma organizations while also building alignment towards common goals and initiating appropriate collaboration between Medical Affairs and R&D.

Evolution of Roles and Talent Management in Medical Affairs Part 1: What talent do we need from MA colleagues?

This Webinar series explores how roles and talent management have evolved, what new roles exist or are needed and what skills and competencies are required to succeed in these roles. From the manager’s perspective, we will discuss potential strategies for staying on top of this ever-changing field to manage and retain highly effective teams.

Launch Excellence Zurich

Become an expert, and hone your skills for Pharma, Biotech, and MedTech launches in the new normal. Join us for this immersive 2-day training program, taking place in Zurich, 26-27 September 2022. Network and learn from other Medical Affairs professionals and launch experts in your area.