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MAPS IPhO Featured

MAPS Partners with Industry Pharmacists Organization (IPhO)

The Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS) and the Industry Pharmacists Organization (IPhO) are pleased to announce an important new strategic collaboration to help advance the careers of student pharmacists interested in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as Fellows and early-stage Industry Pharmacist professionals.
Lessons Learned vs Still Unaddressed from Virtual Scientific Conferences Two Years Post COVID

Lessons Learned vs Still Unaddressed from Virtual Scientific Conferences Two Years Post COVID

In this episode, our expert speakers are talking about virtual scientific congresses and what has changed since the pandemic.
How to Prioritize, Track, and Measure your Medical Communications Plan Episode 3: Pubs

How to Prioritize, Track, and Measure your Medical Communications Plan Episode 3: Pubs

In this third and final podcast episode in this series, we will discuss measuring and improving the reach and engagement of scientific publications.
The Use of Chatbots and Conversational AI in Scaling Medical Engagement

The Use of Chatbots and Conversational AI in Scaling Medical Engagement

In this webinar, experts will lay the foundation of what conversational AI is, best and emerging practices, provide use cases, and discuss regulatory and legal considerations.
Broadening Role Featured

The Broadening Role of Medical Affairs

In Q&A format, this article summarizes key learnings from a MAPS 2022 Global Annual Meeting panel presented by the Medical Strategy FAWG.
How to prioritize, track, and measure your Medical Communications Plan Episode 1: Fundamentals

How to prioritize, track, and measure your Medical Communications Plan Episode 1: Fundamentals

In this first podcast of a 3-part series, we will address this question and discuss: The fundamentals of effective measurement techniques for Medical Affairs.
Advancing Field Medical Skills Episode 1: Leading Through Change

Advancing Field Medical Skills Episode 1: Leading Through Change

In today's episode, our Field Medical experts will discuss tips to understand how you can lead through change.
Automation Opportunities for Medical Affairs EPISODE 3

Automation Opportunities for Medical Affairs EPISODE 3

In the 3rd and final episode of this series, we'll be meeting with Georgios Tramountanis, a member of the MAPS Digital Focus Area Working Group to examine where we see potential opportunities for Medical Affairs as it relates to Automation and review some predictions on the future of Automation in Medical Affairs.

Best Practices for Getting Actionable Insights from Your Life Sciences Event

Instead of being static representations of an event, insights can become actionable—informing what can be done to improve future events or even larger business decisions.