We are excited to have you join us in New Orleans, Louisiana for the MAPS 2022 Global Annual Meeting! You will have the opportunity to join 500+ Medical Affairs professionals from around the world for three days of networking, industry leading programing and best practice sharing!


  • Full Conference Without Field Medical Program: $1,650

  • Full Conference With Field Medical Program Add-on: $1,800

  • Monday Only: $950

  • Tuesday Only: $950

  • Wednesday Only: $850

  • Field Medical Program Only (Sunday): $1,150

  • Fellows/Grad Students/Patient Advocate Groups Full Conference: $900

  • Developing Countries - Full Conference: $850


  • Full Conference Without Field Medical Program: $1,800

  • Full Conference With Field Medical Program: $1,950

  • Monday Only: $1,100

  • Tuesday Only: $1,100

  • Wednesday Only: $950

  • Field Medical Program Only (Sunday): $ 1,100

  • Fellows/ Grad Students/ Patient Advocate Groups - Full Conference: $1,100

  • Developing Countries - Full Conference: $1,050

Early Bird Registration Ends Soon!
Rates increase on December 4th, 2021

     Team Rate-non Industry Partner Program (5 or more registering at same time)

  Full conference without Field Medical Program: $1,550 ea

  Full conference with Field Medical Program Add-on: $1,725 ea

Rates increase 15% after December 3, 2021 for standard registration.