MedStrat 2 Featured

Medical Affairs Plans: From Strategic Planning to Measuring Impact – Episode 2

The Series Podcast Objectives are: Podcast objectives include understanding how the medical affairs strategic planning process can drive decision making throughout the year
Victoria QA Featured

Medical Affairs Lessons from a 2-Month Pandemic Preview

Amgen’s Victoria Elegant and Ka Weng Mah had front row seats to the start of COVID-19 in Asia. Here is what they learned about the future of Medical Affairs.
Field Medical Podcast 1

Field Medical Stakeholders: Partnering for Today and Tomorrow (Episode 1 — Global Communications)

Medical Affairs thought leaders discuss the function, activities and opportunities for compliant collaboration with key internal partners.
Town Hall Oct 15 QandA Featured

MAPS Global Town Hall Series Q&A: Digital Innovation in Medical Affairs and the Evolution of Field Medical During the Pandemic and Beyond

Q&A with Medical Affairs thought leaders describing changes in Digital and Field Medical during the pandemic and beyond
SCARF Model Featured

How to succeed in cross-functional collaboration: the SCARF model for Medical Affairs

This webinar describes the NeuroLeadership Institute's SCARF model (Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness) and its application to the practice of Medical Affairs
Joseph Eid Featured

Joseph Eid: From Childhood in Civil War Lebanon to Medical Affairs Leader

Nothing could stand between Joseph Eid and his dream of becoming a doctor—not even gunfire.
RWE Regulatory Podcast Featured

The Application of Real-World Evidence in Regulatory Decision Making

Cerise James, MD, moderates this podcast in which Neil Belson, JD, discusses Real World Evidence and its impact to the biopharmaceutical industry.
REW Regulatory Featured

Contemporary Applications of Real-World Evidence in Regulatory Decision Making: A Case Series Review

Real-World Evidence can show safety and effectiveness per FDA’s “totality of evidence approach” for evaluating regulatory submissions.
MedStrat 1 Featured

PODCAST: Medical Affairs Plans — From Strategic Planning to Measuring Impact

This Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS) podcast features medical affairs thought leaders offering insights into the Medical Affairs strategic planning process