The Case Connect Series allows participants to share their personal experience after implementing and maintaining a medical affairs project. The goal of the series is to gather best practices, project takeaways and potential pitfalls from a variety of perspectives to form a valuable resource for industry peers

Elise Blankenship

Associate Director, Scientific Publications and Medical Communications, Oncology, ISPEN

Elise Blankenship, Associate Director of Medical Communications at IPSEN. Shares her experience and process that brought a PLS Commitment into Practice as well as her most important takeaways, key learnings and what she would’ve done differently.

Stakeholders/Team Members that were involded

The global medical publications and ocmmunications team developed Standards and guidance documents for PLSS Based On industry-level Guidance (EG, Openpharma). This included overarching guidance documents as well as templates for both developers and reviewers. The publications team coordinated with patient centricity to ensure relevance of all materials. A Lay Reviewer Panel as Assembled to provide feedack on drafts. The PLS review step was added as part of the standard publication process and SOP.

Key Learnings

Ongoing publications have intermittently included PLS, and we are eager to see all publications in the second half of the year include these. We continue to work with journals on inclusion of this content in prominent positions. Alongside the abstract in pubmed if at all possible. Future plans focus on having a patient panel review all PLS and increasing discoverability of PLS, including translations.

Final Outcome

The PLS Commitment was announced in January 2022 and Promoted Company-wide. It was highlighted on internal communications and on congress Booths