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Podcast: Transitioning between Pharma and MedTech…And Vice Versa

In this podcast, senior leaders outline the core similarities and differences between Pharma and MedTech; assess the pros and cons of a potential move from Pharma into MedTech; and describe the practical changes required to anticipate and prepare for such a career move.

Podcast: The Dynamic World of Field Medical: Are you a driver or passenger?

Change is the only constant in the MSL role. Panelists will prepare attendees by discussing influences on the MSL role, the rationale for emerging Field Medical roles, and key skill sets to ensure success.
Mars.Venus .ELEVATE

Medical Devices are from Mars, Pharmaceuticals are from Venus. What can we learn from each other?

Medical devices and pharma: two sides of the same coin; significantly different but part of the same larger ecosystem. Dr. John Pracyk discusses the implications for Medical Affairs professionals.
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Driving the Next Wave of Digital Innovation in Healthcare for Medical Affairs

Fireside Chat with Mary Alice Dwyer and Shaji Kalathil: "We believe that the most competitive pharmaceutical companies in the coming decade will leverage data and digital technologies to drive differentiating services and will be in the forefront of pushing the boundaries of digital innovation in healthcare."
Will Customer Experiences Shape The Future Of Medical Affairs?

Will Customer Experiences Shape The Future Of Medical Affairs?

At the conclusion of this session, participants should better understand digital trends seen within Medical Affairs today as well as be aware of why HCP expectations are changing and how to evolve with them to provide better customer experiences

Creating an Integrated Core Scientific Framework for Communicating to Diverse External Stakeholders: A Health Science Approach

Evaluate the commonalities and differences in the use, structure and evolution of scientific communications platforms within and between companies; understand how a HealthScience approach can help to integrate insights, communications and evidence generation plans across multiple functions
Strategic Planning_Standards for Medical Affairs

Medical Affairs Strategic Planning Guide and Templates

The MAPS Medical Affairs Strategic Planning Guide and Template has been developed to provide guidance and recommendations to selected components that comprise the strategic medical affairs planning for a product – including the situational analysis, medical strategy, tactical/operational planning, and medical plan summary.

Purpose-driven culture: How to make an impact in a value-driven world

Executive Vice President & CMO, UCB, Iris Loew-Friedrich discusses the importance of a purpose-driven culture to employee engagement
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RWE & The Transformational Role of Digital Health

The digital health revolution implies a clear understanding of strategy, using technology as an enabler to create better outcomes for patients and to power value creation across the healthcare ecosystem. As data specialists, Medical Affairs professionals will be at the forefront of this transformation.