Interview: Medical Affairs as a Strategic Parter to Achieve Better Patient Outcomes
Eileen Sawyer, VP, Global Medical Affairs at uniQure, describes the importance of Medical Affairs acting as a strategic partner, how to effectively engage patients throughout the drug development process, and to ultimately achieve better patient outcomes.
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Members may also download a PDF copy of Eileen’s presentation on The Importance of Medical Strategic Planning from the MAPS 2020 Global Annual Meeting as well as a recording of the session in the Community Portal. Not a member and wish to access the slides? Membership is only $250 USD per year ($425 for a 2-year subscription) and includes access to all new live Webinars, all on-demand Webinars (over 50 Webinars and growing each month), discussion forums to share best practices and questions with over 4,000 Medical Affairs professionals from across the globe, copies of past meeting presentations, white papers, standards & guidance tools and templates, and much, much more. Click here for membership details or to sign up: