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Medical Communications (including scientific writing, and regulatory medical writing) are now increasingly facing newer challenges with developing enhanced content derived from core technical writing. Plain language summaries (PLS) are one such example of enhanced content emerging and steadily gaining importance. Undoubtedly, their contribution to a wider reach from patients to policymakers has gained significance in making informed decisions regarding promoting health benefits from scientific clinical research. Relentless efforts are ongoing by several organizations, bio-pharma companies, medical publishers, and Medical Communications network groups to bring out a standardization of PLS formats. Nonetheless, there has been no broad consensus, although a few guidelines/recommendations are available. In this webinar, we aim to gather insights from expert speakers who will cover practical lived examples of navigating the landscape, cross functional partnership for effective results, challenges that still persist, and future implications addressing the need to establish global guidelines. Perspectives from GPP guidelines, industry/patient experience, and from publishers will be the main focus. A majority of the Medical Affairs professionals, Medical Communications functions (from industry and agencies), individual medical researchers/physicians, and freelance medical writers would benefit from this session. This will be an educative and interactive session with questions and answers to address the audience’s queries.