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602 Park Point Drive, Suite 225, Golden, CO 80401 – +1 303.495.2073
© 2025 Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS). All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Medical Affairs Professionals who are part of a launch planning team
Professionals looking to gain local, regional & global market level perspective
Executives looking to engage with other industry Thought Leaders across Big Pharma, Biotech & Devices​
A bespoke learning framework created by the largest industry group of Launch Excellence Medicals Affairs experts from across the globe​
A unique opportunity to develop skills that push your organization forward​
Continued, ongoing benefits including access to online learning materials and networking opportunities​
Unique 2-day program with built-in commute time​
Thought Leader insights and peer-to-peer discussions​
Review case studies in a practical workshop environment​
Interactive, educational setting with tangible applicability for you and your team
Empower individuals and teams for optimal professional growth​
Share best practice across Leaders within Medical Affairs​
Examine the role of multichannel/omnichannel working within Launch Excellence​
Network with peers ​
A special thank you to our experienced leaders from the MasterClass Working Group of the Learning & Development Committee, and the Medical Strategy & Launch Excellence FAWG Members who comprise the Launch Excellence MasterClass Core Planning Team:
MAPS Mentorship Committee Chair
Vice President of Medical Affairs & Clinical Research
Global Head of Medical Affairs and Operations - Biogen Digital Health
Medical Academy Director, Inflammation & Immunology, Global Medical Affairs
Medical Academy Director, Inflammation & Immunology, Global Medical Affairs
Please click your desired program location below for current pricing.
Instruction will include a limited number of plenary sessions focused on general launch principles that apply to all types of launches. The majority of program time (>70%) will be spent in small group interactive workshops and table discussions, where participants will have the opportunity to join peers with specific interests and needs, such as launch planning for big pharma, first time launches, or medical/diagnostic device launches.
MAPS is a globally recognized leader in education, training and best practice sharing – setting the standards for Medical Affairs excellence for over 6,800 members from 230+ companies, including 21 official industry partner companies (and counting). A certificate of completion will be provided at the conclusion of the MasterClass. In addition, an online workspace for the MasterClass cohort will be created immediately following the program for one year to allow continued best practice sharing, Q&A, and co-learning from peers in the cohort.
Introducing “Breakout Pods”
Although we are all excited to resume in-person meetings, we realize that everyone will have different levels of comfort for those initial interactions, and some of you may have corporate policies in place restricting your participation in meetings to less than a certain number of attendees.
To this end, we are pleased to introduce “Breakout Pods” for safe yet effective engagement. While most of the time at MasterClass programs are spent in small group breakouts of 25 people or less, we do reconvene periodically for re-caps and brief plenary-style instruction. If you are not yet comfortable being in a larger group or have aforementioned corporate travel restrictions in place, you may elect to remain in your Breakout Pod for the duration of the MasterClass. We will simply livestream the main room session into your breakout room, and you may still participate in the discussion using the AV technology provided. This will allow you to remain with the same group of 25 (or less) people for the duration of the meeting.